Olive W

85 years old at first service

Olive required assistance when she was moved to a nearby aged care facility in her 80’s by her Power of Attorney. Olive had lived her entire adult life blind, following a childhood accident and was having difficulty coping with the being an aged blind person.

We stepped in to provide some hands on assistance on behalf of her PoA. Mainly little chores like acquiring fresh clothing and toiletries up to and including taking her to appointments and haircuts. Eventually we organised a permanent weekly appointment to read her the newspapers and take her for a weekly coffee date. The general purpose of this visit was to give the nursing home staff the knowledge that Olive was not alone and that she had people looking out for her. Unfortunately so many people in our nursing homes have no one to advocate on their behalf and to ensure that they are getting the care that they are paying for.

Jean is still having the same carers go to here today as when she first started a decade ago.

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